Sunday, March 19, 2023

The Virtues of Going Virtual




                            Not-for-profit & Unincorporated    


The Virtues of Going Virtual

Changing times causes the effect of changing how we meet to share 

information and make decisions.  The shift from in-person meetings to

a safe and healthier gathering called ‘virtual’, is a natural aspect of the 

association’s growth and more efficient communication.

Important information, updates and announcements will be sent via email 

from and through our 

DVTA Blogspot 

Why Online Meetings? Virtual, like emails and Blogspot, allow sharing 

of information faster.  Such as:

  • Surveys - for you to give your viewpoint, opinion and input

  • Announcements - keeping you up-to-date 

  • Virtual meetings - provides a safe and healthy location for 

    your participation

  • Improved communication

 What are the benefits?

  • Email surveys and Blogspot ensures the confidentiality 

    of your responses

  • Virtual meetings - provides a well-organized venue with…

    • screen sharing for important documents.

    • mic control to respect one person speaking at a time

    • Chat section to ask pertinent questions 

    • Effective and efficient meetings

How will online meetings work?

  • An email is sent with the link to the meeting

  • Upon clicking the link, you enter a waiting room

  • The co-host will open your access to the meeting

  • Surveys can be done within the meeting for accurate voting

  • A chat area to present your questions ahead of time 

    • Please use the chat for meeting related questions only

Our Association is growing not only in the number of members but also 

in the use of technology.  The Executive Members value your participation.


Monday, March 13, 2023

Annual 2023-2024 Membership Drive & AGM Announcement




                            Not-for-profit & Unincorporated    

                        Membership Drive 2023-2024 Fiscal Year

Dear Current Members and Tenants yet to become Members!

Becoming a Durand Village Tenant Association member is easy!  

The annual membership fee is a steady total of Fifteen Dollars 

($15.00) per Leaseholder.  

  1. Easy and convenient E-transfers to 

    1. Please include your unit # and address in the ‘message’ field

       along with your email address and phone number and t

      he names of all leaseholders

    2. Being in compliance with the constitution, please send 

      an e-transfer before April 20, 2023.

  2. Friendly Door-to-door visit with the Leaseholder:

    1. Members of the Executive plan to stop by your unit 

      during the week of April 24.

    2. E-transfer, exact cash or cheque 

      (payable to DVTAssociation) 

    3. To know more about your DVTA: 


What’s in it for you? Here are a few highlights…

  • A day of free parking during the 

    garage floor line painting.

  • Ensured continued mail delivery during 

    construction on 93 Bold St.

  • Negotiated designated work/study apartments 

    during 93 Bold St. Construction.

  • Continued relationship building with BGO 

    ensuring your voice is heard

  • Responding to individual Leaseholder(s) 

    concerns/questions…Plus much more!

Over the years, especially during the pandemic, your DVTA Executive 

continued to work with Bentall Green Oak (BGO) to achieve 

your best quality of housing.

Special Note:  The first virtual DVTA Members Annual General Meeting 

is scheduled for Wednesday, June  14th at 7:15 pm. 

The Executive Board presents the activities and events of the previous year, 

or in this case, the last three (3) years because Covid mandates 

have prevented our annual gatherings.   

Your DVTA Executive Board members look forward to welcoming you.