President's Corner

 Message from the President

"It is okay to ask what your association can do for you; but, ask what you can do for your association."   DVTA President, Doreen South

Welcome to Durand Village Tenant Association.  We are an unincorporated, not-for-profit organization.  Our mission is to:
  • Improve conditions in your apartment buildings
  • Deal respectfully and responsibly with the landlord/property management 
  • Educate tenants on their rights and obligations
  • Organize tenants
  • Support tenants in developing their skills
  • Provide information and assistance
  • Lobby government
  • Provide quarterly general meetings and special meetings
We are a solution-driven association that practices acceptance without discrimination. We strive to provide leadership and support in helping to establish more quality associations.

Thank you for choosing to be a member.  Thank you for volunteering your time and abilities.  Thank you for co-creating our continuous success.

DVTA President
Doreen South



    After your 1st year lease...According to the Ontario Residential Tenancy Act, 2006...

    You DO NOT have to renew your lease when it expires.
    You automatically become a month-to-month tenant.
    All terms of your original lease continue event if you do not sign a new lease.

    1. This is new to me, I wish I had known this before re-signing my lease.


    The only charge a property owner can ask from you when you move in is first and last month's rent.

    A property owner may also ask for a key security deposit, BUT it cannot be more than the cost of replacing the key.

    it is ILLEGAL for a property owner to charge a "damage deposit" or other additional charges.

  3. This is new to me, I wish I had known this before I signed my lease again.

  4. Did you know?

    The money that you paid for your fob(s) is a deposit. When you move and turn in your fob(s), your money is refunded.

  5. Did you know?

    Our buildings as of May 2019 (currently for new tenants) is deemed smoke free. There is a plan in place for the entire complex to become smoke free. Date to be announced.

    A gentle and clear reminder to tenants who smoke in their apartments that the smoke does carry to other units.

    Respect that there are people with health conditions that worsen due to second hand smoke both tobacco and marijuana.

  6. The DVTA extends wishes to all tenants and staff for a happy and safe long Civic Day weekend. Warmly

  7. DVTA Meeting with (BGO) Bentall Green Oak (formerly Bentall Kennedy)Sr. Maintenance Mgr & Leasing/Residential Experience Mgr.

    DVTA President, Doreen, prepared a PowerPoint presentation on maintenance needs and facilitated a 2.5 hour meeting with Bentall Green Oak personnel.

    All participants were professional, receptive and offered doable solutions.

    We are building a strong working relationship with BGO personnel and gaining more respect for our dignified approach.

    To our many members and non-members, continue to be patient as we have not only been seen (powerpoint) but also are being heard. The BGO personnel are using our presentation to address the concerns presented and will keep us apprised.

    Thank you for your trust in our Executive Committee.


  8. Good day! August has already arrived and I now have 2 months in office. There is a strong and positive movement forward for our Association.

    We have:
    *a new constitution
    *a new letterhead with a logo
    *regular & productive meetings with property manage

    Now, your VP and I have been creating templates to fulfill the various areas that require forms and protocols. And documenting instructions on how interact with the Blog to keep information up to date.

    Your Executive Committee is investing time training on our blog and progressively becoming proficient.

    Some Exec. Committee members will begin to attend workshops by Social Justice Agencies to expand our knowledge of housing issues and to make connections in the broader community.

    We will do our best to keep you informed and up to date. Warmly
    DVTA President, Doreen

  9. Thank you for all you do , just wondering why the contractor repairing 75 Bold st. underground is only working once in a while . I don't think they were even there all last week .

    1. Hello Tony, Thank you for bringing this to our attention. Please accept my apology for the delay in responding. Would you please email us with more details that the DVTA can utilize in a meeting with the property management? Warmly,
      DVTA President Doreen

  10. Your DVTA Executive Committee is strong. We are working well together in addressing a myriad of challenges. We hear your requests for special meetings and the issues that are confronting you. The DVTA is committed to continuously supporting you and working with you in finding and implementing doable solutions. Warmly,
    DVTA President Doreen

  11. Did you know? Did you know that the DVTA Executives have voluntarily requested a Criminal Record Check? We know the importance of your safety. Also, Did you know, that each member of the Executive has paid this expense voluntarily?

    Keeping each other safe is everyone's responsibility. Thank you for doing your best in words, behaviour and actions. Warmly, DVTA President

  12. At the September 2019 General Meeting, members requested that the "Hamilton Waste" info be reduced to links. The DVTA VP, Judi, successfully founds the links and the tab has been updated. Please copy and paste the links into your browser address line. Thank you VP Judi! Warmly, DVTA President, Doreen

  13. Don Miguel Ruiz, in his book “The Four Agreements,” says this:

    “Be Impeccable With your Word. Speak with integrity. Say only what you mean. Avoid using the word to speak against yourself or to gossip about others. Use the power of your word in the direction of truth and love.”

    It has come to my attention that there is an active gossip circle operating within our complex.

    Please keep in mind that gossip is a form of violence and when you are unequivocally identified as the perpetrator, membership will be rescinded and/or you will be listed as ineligible for future membership as supported by our Constitution.

    “Watch out for the joy-stealers: gossip, criticism, complaining, faultfinding, and a negative, judgmental attitude.” ~ Joyce Meyer

  14. Happy New Year! Keep this a year of security for our community... As I entered the hallway of my floor in 93 Bold, there were 2 people knocking at doors. They were in the building without authorization.

    After a brief discussion, I escorted them out of the building with instructions to get clearance from the main office. Who let them in is unknown.

    It is the responsibility of all residents to help ensure the safety and security of our community.

    Please continue to be aware of strangers and continue to do your part for our safety and well-being. Warmly

  15. DID YOU KNOW: that each member of the current DVTA Executive Committee has an up to date Police Clearance Report? It is now required to ensure your safety and well being. Warmly

  16. Do you feel ignored and mistreated by property management personnel?


    DVTA Advocacy: We have an advocacy form for your signature to help ensure the property management personnel respect your choice Please email us to meet and discuss. Hamilton Council on Ageing

    The Landlord Tenant Board has a formal complaint form. If your complaint is valid, there will be an investigation.

    Be courageous and take responsible action. Warmly
