Sunday, November 12, 2023

Stop Throwing Out Your Used Tea Bags


Stop Throwing Out Your Used Tea Bags

They’re surprising useful. Here are 12 things they can do post-brew.


Photo by Image credit: Stephanie Russo

It feels so good to be able to do something with the things we’d normally discard. Coffee grounds as rose fertilizer and clementine peels saved for DIY candles come to mind, not to mention composting in general.

If you’re a regular or occasional tea drinker, you can add your tea bags to the list of garbage you shouldn’t throw out just yet. Here are some ways to re-use them post brew:

  • Add a hint of flavor to rice or grains. Hang your used tea bags in boiling water to infuse your food with a touch of flavor. Think jasmine tea with rice or chai tea with oatmeal.
  • Protect house plants from fungal disease by re-brewing a used tea bag and using the weak tea (cooled) to water your plants.
  • Neutralize odors naturally. Spread dried tea leaves in stinky spots like the cat litter box or in the bottom of your garbage bags.
  • Make cleaning the fireplace safer and easier. Dump the damp contents of tea bags onto the ash to weigh it down before sweeping out the fireplace.
  • De-grease pots and pans. Soak hard-to-clean dishes in water with a used tea bag tossed in. The tea will help loosen stuck-on food and break up grease.
  • Add them to your bath. The antioxidants in tea are good for your skin and the gentle scent will add some aromatherapy to your soak.
  • Take the sting out of insect bites and sunburns. Using a cool compress will reduce pain and inflammation of the affected areas.
  • Make a hair rinse. Remove product buildup without using another product. Soak 3-4 used tea bags in warm water and pour it over your head after shampooing and conditioning as usual. Don’t rinse. Pro tip: Chamomile brightens blondes and black tea adds a coppery shimmer to brunettes, according to Housewife How-Tos.
  • Deodorize carpets by scattering the dried contents of several teabags over your rugs before you vacuum.
  • Depuff tired eyes. Place cool tea bags over your eyes, cucumber style. According to Chasing Green, the tannins in the tea leaves may reduce bags and dark circles.
  • Clean leather shoes by buffing with a damp teabag.
  • Wash stinky hands, using a tea bag as you would a bar of soap to help eradicate garlic, onion, or fish odors.

Shifrah Combiths has been writing professionally for twenty years. She loves lifestyle photography, memory keeping, gardening, reading, and going to the beach with her husband and children.

Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Ombudsman Report Calls LTB 'Unreasonable'...

 Newly released Ombudsman report calls Ontario’s Landlord and Tenant Board ‘moribund’ and found the Tribunal to be ‘unreasonable’ under provincial law. Yet, in some ways, the investigation still missed the mark on justice.

For years, tenants and their advocates have been asking the province to fix Ontario’s busiest yet most broken tribunal, the Landlord and Tenant Board (“LTB”). The LTB’s pandemic era shift to a primarily remote service model – holding hearings over Zoom and filing forms and evidence through their digital portal – has been rife with problems from the outset. Tenants, especially those living on low incomes, have been particularly impacted. A digital/remote service model has created even more barriers for many tenants to participate in their hearings and successfully present their evidence, as many tenants living on low incomes have limited or no access to a computer and reliable wifi. It is hard for a tenant to stop their landlord from evicting them if they can’t actually show up to their hearing.

Despite these digital barriers and the degradation of access to justice they pose for tenants, what finally got the attention of the Ombudsman’s office was the unprecedented delays in hearings and rulings, delays that have seeded an enormous backlog of tens of thousands of cases – almost 40,000 at present.

The report outlines some of the many failures of the LTB; including the failure by the province after the 2018 election to reappoint seasoned adjudicators and promptly appointing new adjudicators to replace those whose terms had ended. This attempt to run the LTB with many adjudicators who were inexperienced and unfamiliar with residential tenancies law, and not providing them with the appropriate support, has been an unmitigated disaster for procedural fairness and for just outcomes. The report also acknowledges the shocking finding that some tenants are waiting up to two years to have their applications scheduled; by contrast most landlords only wait 6-9 months. The Ombudsman notes that “it is unconscionable to permit tenant applications to lie dormant for up to six years.” The explanation given was that they did not set aside enough time for those hearings. This might have been understandable for a new tribunal but it is unacceptable for the LTB, which has been operating since the late 1990s. This significant disparity signals to Ontarians that tenant rights are inferior to landlord rights and that tenants deserve less justice.

Further, the report found that the LTB only granted a tiny fraction of requests for in-person hearings, accommodating a measly 4.3% of total requests made. Their track record is similarly dismal on amount of requests for use of a public access terminal at just 31.1% requests granted. This speaks not to the demand for such services but to the barriers that Ontarians have to overcome trying to access their tribunal. 

The dysfunction goes deep, and it’s every day Ontarians who suffer the consequences – and none more so than tenants, who are being unjustly and unfairly evicted in droves. Yet, what troubles us deeply as tenant advocates and legal experts is not just what’s in the report, but rather, what was skirted past or omitted entirely from the investigation and resultant report.

First, the report suggests that the delays are due to poor implementation of its new software program. Unfortunately, it neglects to acknowledge that, prior to the move to its current remote service model, the LTB was processing far more applications (80k/year) a decade ago. It was doing so with fewer adjudicators than it has now and scheduling hearings faster overall, with landlord applications being scheduled within 5 weeks and tenant applications scheduled within 6 weeks. Whether it was due to lack of user consultation  or another factor when designing the service, the LTB chose not to use existing best practices but instead introduced a brand new digital system that cannot perform basic functions (such as tracking mediated agreements or outstanding files). Thus, it goes beyond poor implementation. Software that cannot even perform basic tasks will continue to lead to delays.

Second, the report also outlines the digital divide that tenants face as a result of the LTB removing all of its in-person services and 44 hearing locations to its current remote service model. Its recommendation to provide an IT support hotline (introduced last month after 2.5 years of zoom hearings) as a sole solution does not recognize the depth and extent of the digital barriers created by the LTB. In-person services provided meaningful access for people with data and phone minute limitations, who did not have the appropriate computer equipment, with language barriers, numeracy and literacy issues, and disabilities. They were able to better participate in their hearings and assert their rights. It’s much harder to achieve this in the current digital format.

Third, the report mentions that, in the past, hundreds of people would file into the hearing rooms each day. This was true and actually a good thing. Parties were able to resolve more disputes before appearing before the adjudicator, because they were able to access homelessness prevention programs that were staffed nearby. Tenant duty counsel services and mediators were also available. More resolutions achieved proactively meant fewer matters moved to a hearing and the backlog did not pile up. Currently, there are far fewer mediators attending hearing blocks than there were in the past. The same is true for duty counsel and social service providers. Now, since those interventions are less readily available in this new remote hearing format more matters proceed before the adjudicator.  When sustainable tenancies are not maintained through either through interventions or being able to assert one’s rights at the LTB, it worsens the province’s existing homelessness and housing crisis. We must do everything we can to prevent evictions by providing upstream supports and that includes restoring these supports and options for tenants.

It is also clear that the Ombudsman heard most from landlords and their representatives, and the 61 recommendations outlined reflect that. Of the thousands of complaints submitted to their office, 84% were from landlords. The loudest and squeakiest wheels do, it would appear, get the grease.

Where does that leave tenants?

So where does that leave tenants? We know from our research that tenants struggle to participate in digital hearings much more than landlords do. The LTB has consistently refused to make in-person hearings readily available for Ontarians who need them and the report cited that in-person hearings represented just 0.07% of all hearings held during the summer of 2021. That does not mean in-person hearings are not necessary. It means that the LTB has abjectly failed to offer them as a viable option and made it absurdly difficult for tenants to make that kind of request. 

Beyond recommending an IT support telephone line, there are hardly any meaningful recommendations in the report that would resolve the digital barriers that tenants experience. This is disappointing and a missed opportunity to address the deeper challenges at the LTB.

Even if a tenant does make it to their hearing, the report also notes that many adjudicators must hear 60 – 80 matters a day. The ends up being around five minutes for each matter. Even worse, things are so dysfunctional that evidence submitted sometimes is so far down the pipe it is not included in the case file in time. Therefore, an adjudicator may not be able to consider all of the relevant evidence. In an eviction case, that means a tenant can be rendered homeless in just five minutes, sometimes without all of the evidence being considered. Imagine, if you will, a homeowner being told their bank will take just five minutes to decide whether or not to re-possess their home and the decision would be based on an incomplete file. Can you picture the outrage? Yet, that’s exactly what happens to thousands of tenants each year at the LTB.

What we recommend

There are a number of actions that the LTB can do to improve the dysfunction and restore access to justice for tenants. Our recommendations would also have the benefit of addressing the backlog and shortening wait times.

They are:

  • Return to regionally based in-person services across the 44 former locations
  • Provide in-person hearings and accommodations for those who need them, and clear avenues to request these options. All parties should participate in a hearing using the same format.
  • Return to scheduling matters by region, rather than application type. Applications related to the same address should be heard together.
  • Treat tenant applications with the same gravity and urgency as landlord applications
  • Significantly improve mediator and adjudicator training on landlord and tenant law
  • Create a process for legal representatives to view LTB case files even if not retained
  • All LTB forms and notices should be written in plain language and in compliance with the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (“AODA”).
  • Hire former, seasoned adjudicators to address the backlog
  • Use the technology at hand to track data related notices, filings and outcomes to better monitor eviction notices and outcomes

We urge the LTB and Tribunals Ontario to implement our recommendations. Anything less will result in a continued failure to address the needs and concerns of Ontarians.


© 2023 Advocacy Centre for Tenants Ontario - ACTO

Little Steps Lead to Big Joy

Can Little Steps Lead to Big Joy?

Our free, one-week, online Big Joy program seems to help people feel happier, improve their relationships, and sleep better.

Life can be challenging. Amid these challenges, it can be difficult to focus on our own well-being. But what if doing brief and simple exercises each day could gradually build up your potential for happiness?

That’s the question we tried to answer with Big JOY, an interactive, web-based program that invites anyone interested to try a series of micro-acts for enhancing joy, one each day for one week. Big JOY also enables people to log their daily activities and experiences and to measure their impact on well-being. The micro-acts are inspired by the documentary Mission: JOY: Finding Happiness in Troubled Times, which tells the story of the deep friendship between the Dalai Lama and Archbishop Desmond Tutu—but they are also supported by scientific research. The Greater Good Science Center built Big JOY to offer people an actionable platform for increasing happiness within themselves, within each other, and worldwide.

Big Joy also has a “citizen science” goal: to analyze which micro-acts bring the most benefit to whom, using data from a large, global, and diverse audience. This discovery could help Big JOY guide people toward those micro-acts that promise to work best for them, given who they are, where they are from, and what is going on in their lives.

On the first day of Big JOY, participants take an onboarding survey about their emotional well-being, emotions, attitudes, and social tendencies. Then, for the next seven days, they’re asked to engage in one of the following micro-acts:

  • Do something kind: Think of people you might see today and list one thing you could do to brighten their day.
  • Tune in to what matters: Rank important personal values such as kindness, humility, and accountability and write about how they appear in your life.
  • Make a gratitude list: Think, reflect, and list anything you feel grateful about in your life.
  • Dwell in awe: Watch an awe-inspiring video, like the world’s natural wonders.
  • Celebrate another’s joy: Talk to someone today and ask them about a story that made them happy.
  • Shift your perspective: Recall a moment when you felt upset and frustrated. Think and write three positive things about that experience.
  • Be a force of good: Listed to an audio-guided reflection on how you inherently contribute goodness into the world.

Each day, participants log their micro-act and answer questions about how it felt to do it. At the end of the week, they take a closing survey to re-measure their emotional well-being, emotions, attitudes, and social connections. Big JOY also generates a personalized report at this point to show each person what happened as they progressed through the week.

So far, over 22,000 people from over 22 countries have participated in Big JOY. Around 11,000 completed all the surveys before and after engaging in the seven-day Big JOY experience. Here is what we found so far!

1. Emotional well-being jumped 26%. Each dot in the graph above represents one person’s score for overall emotional well-being and is a composite of their self-rated life satisfaction, happy feelings, and meaning in life. From before (left column) to after (right column) Big JOY, most of the dots move up, which indicates a rising score—which, analyzed collectively, came to an increase of 26% from before to after Big JOY.

2. Positive emotions increased by 23%. Participants self-rated positive emotions—hope, optimism, wonder, amazement, amusement, and silliness. Those feelings rose by 23% after a week of Big JOY.

3. They felt more empowered to become happier. From before to after Big JOY, participants were 27% more likely to agree with this statement: “I have felt able to impact, influence, or play an active role in how happy I generally feel.” We also saw a 34% increase in agreement with the idea that “I am in control, on top of things, like I have been coping well.”

4. Relationships improved. After a week of Big JOY, 30% more people agreed with
this statement: “I have felt content with my friendships and relationships.”

5. Better sleep. Finally, people reported a 12% increase in overall sleep quality from before to after Big JOY—which research has found is a major indicator of well-being.

Our preliminary analysis of changes in how people respond to survey questions before and after engaging with Big JOY suggests that small, daily activities can lead to meaningful increases in emotional well-being, positive emotions, agency over happiness and coping, and social connection.

While very encouraging, there are some limitations to interpreting the results shared above. Most importantly, the people giving these responses came to Big JOY voluntarily, which usually means that they were interested in and enthusiastic about the topic, which could bias them to report favorably on its impact. People whose responses are included in this analysis did not receive any material incentive or reward for participating in Big JOY, which suggests that they were personally motivated to complete all seven days, which is a sign of enthusiasm that can make claims about desirable outcomes murky. Were people saying they felt happier, more capable, and connected because they liked the experience or because doing the micro-acts causes change? We can’t answer this.

Continuing our work with the Big JOY data, we’ll be comparing the impact of different micro-acts to each other and examining whether the effects of Big JOY differ for different people based on personal characteristics, life experiences, and circumstances—that’s the citizen science part of the project. Further, to be able to claim that Big JOY causes the increase in people’s well-being, emotions, attitudes, and social tendencies, we will need to build and test the impact of an active control program, where people do seven days of micro-acts that do not purport to increase joy, and then answer all the same questions that are in Big JOY. By comparing those patterns of change to the ones observed here, we could make more substantial claims about the effectiveness of Big JOY for everyone.

In the meantime, Big JOY is freely available for anyone to try. Want to help us learn more about what works best for whom? See if these brief, daily micro-acts can also improve your emotional well-being.

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