Friday, February 14, 2020


                  Not-for-profit & Unincorporated    
                    Your Association with a Heart. 

     “The quality of a leader is reflected in the standards they set for themselves.”Ray Kroc
Acknowledging the efforts of people who support a people-centered organization is important.

Quietly and daily,  I acknowledge the members of your Executive Committee.

Today, I acknowledge them publically and with great respect for all their many dedicated hours.

Thank you to Walter, Treasurer, for jumping into the learning curve with patience and commitment.  Walter, your willingness to learn the books and banking is valued.  Your input at the Executive meetings is appreciated.

Thank you to Christopher, Secretary, for your consistent attention to detail and accurate taking of minutes at all the meetings.  Christopher, thank you for the gentle way you ask questions and make suggestions and testing your understanding.  You bring constant stability and knowledge to the success of our work.

Thank you to Judi, Vice President, for your tenacity and extensive knowledge.  Judi, thank you for your ability to take the ideas for detailed record-keeping and making them a reality.  You not only keep our historical records but you are our historian.  Judi, thank you for your poise when mentoring and training.  Thank you for being there for the Executive and the members.
A special thank you to Janice, Apprentice Executive for your natural ability to be factual and speak the truth.  Janice, your knowledge in a wide range of experiences is beneficial to identifying good solutions.  Janice, thank you for your commitment to learning the many facets of AGI and your earnestness in supporting the members of the DVTA.  

Thank you to all the members of the Executive for the countless hours of work behind the scene.  We are a solid team.  You are valued and appreciated.
Thank you to all our members and members to be.  Thank you for your attendance and input at our meetings, your ideas, your support, and your guidance.  Thank you for the patience respect, and understanding that you demonstrate.  Your safety and comfort are the reasons the Association exists.

“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”  Maya Angelou

DVTA President

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