Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Meetings for Executive and Membership

                  Not-for-profit & Unincorporated    
                    Your Association with a Heart. 

Because of COVID 19, Executive meetings and Membership meetings have been on hold.

This is a brief update...

A lot goes on behind the scenes with your Executive.  The DVTA Vice President and President have been in close communication...pretty much on a daily basis.  We have addressed members' concerns and following up and following through with Members and BGO personnel.
Today the VP and the President are meeting to create an agenda for and to schedule a live video meeting with the full Executive Committee.  This will be a first!

We will also be outlining an agenda and discussing the possibilities of a live video meeting for members who have the electronics.

The month of May is the DVTA's scheduled AGM.  During this month there are four (4) important items.
  1. Membership Dues & Collection
  2. Election of Officers
  3.  URGENT:  experienced Blogspot tech person for Executive position
  4. AGI members for
    1. 90 Duke 
    2. 75 Bold 
    3. 93 Bold has a full AGI team
The Executive will be discussing how to successfully accomplish all of this.  Do you have any viable suggestions?  The Executive Committee seeks your workable suggestions and participation.  Please respectfully submit your ideas via email for any of these categories.
As the wrinkles get ironed out, we will continue with business as usual so that members continue to feel safe and confident that their Executive is helping to prevent and resolve issues.
Please watch for updates!
Safety and good health for everyone.
DVTA President 

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