Saturday, February 4, 2023

Extreme Cold Weather Reminder


Cold Temperatures – A Reminder

Dear Residents,

With temperatures dropping in Toronto considerably today and continuing through to next week, we can expect temperatures as low as -27 ̊C during this time. Because of this, we want to remind you of how you can help prevent your suite from unnecessary flooding due to frozen pipes.

Suites heated by fan coils or heat pumps need hot water to circulate inside these heat sources. It is important for this reason that you never turn off your heat during this cold time of year.

Low suite temperatures combined with an open window or balcony door is a common cause of frozen pipes inside your home. This can lead to pipes bursting and subsequent flooding within the property.

Should you require fresh air, or you feel that is too hot in your suite, do not leave your window or balcony door open for any long period of time.

Additionally, following these tips will help with prevention this winter:

  •   Do not set your thermostat below 15 ̊C or 60 ̊F during cold weather.

  •   Avoid turning your heating/thermostat completely off, even it away for an

    extended time.

    If you are currently away and unsure if you have turned your heat off or left windows open, please contact ClikFIX at so your Resident Services Team can check on your suite in your absence.

    Please help us protect your home and have a safe winter.

    Durand Village Resident Services Team 905-528-0853

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