Friday, April 28, 2023

90 Duke Street





                            Not-for-profit & Unincorporated    

 WOW!  Where to begin?

First, the DVTA acknowledges our property management personnel Bentall Green Oak (BGO) for their immediate action during this flooding caused by a boiler pipe burst.

Secondly,  the DVTA praises the tenants for their resilence during this disaster.

BGO took action to ensure that our building was shutdown to prevent electrical fires.  The elevators were disabled because of the water pouring down the shafts and through the hallways.

Tenants notified ClikFIX of the flooding in the wee hours of Sunday monring.  The Hamilton Fire Unit responded quickly.

In the meantime,  BGO personnel put in place a system ensuring tenants received groceries and pharmacutical delivery twice a day!

It appears that one of the two elevators will be up and working today or tomorrow.

With regard to the question of any form of compensation, it is too early in the recovery process to address.  BGO is aware that the question has been raised.  We need to continue to be respectfully patient and watch for notices that will come from BGO leadership in their Head Office.

Thank you to both DVTA Members for sharing their communication and conerns with the DVTA.  Thank you to BGO for the open communication and mutual partnership that supports our tenants.

Please watch for further updates as we receive them.

***It is important for all tenants to first use the ClikFIX on or phone call to initally report maintenance needs.  ClikFIX produces workorders for the BGO personnel.  This paper trail is key to helping the DVTA follow up on yoour behaf if necessary.  All communication with BGO needs to be in writing ie email.


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