Saturday, April 1, 2023


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Disclaimer...after signing the petition,

a page will appear asking for a voluntary donation.

The DVTA is not promoting any political party. We are

supporting a rent control initialive.

SIGN: Bring back rent control.

Rental prices across Ontario are shooting up. 

Home ownership has become a distant dream for many. 

Andrea Horwath's NDP has a plan to make renting more 

affordable– starting with bringing back real rent control.

We’ll ensure you pay what the last tenant paid, eliminating 

the financial incentive for landlords to squeeze out tenants

to raise the rent.

Add your name to support our plan.

First Name

Last Name


Postal Code


  • Bringing back rent control is one part of our plan

    to make housing more affordable by:

  • Building 1.5 million homes

  • Ending exclusionary zoning

  • Creating a portable housing benefit

  • Providing seed funding and other supports

    to co-ops and NLTs

Add your name to make renting more affordable and

give renters more security.  


Please read this link also:


© 2023 Ontario's NDP - Authorized by the CFO of the Ontario NDP




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