Monday, June 12, 2023

May is (was) Asian Heritage Month

The month of May is a time to celebrate, recognize and pay tribute to the AAPI people who have enriched our country’s history and culture.

The month of May brings Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month, a time for us to celebrate, recognize, and pay tribute to the generations of people from these cultures who have enriched our country’s history and continue to make notable contributions today.

People who identify as Asian American and Pacific Islander, or AAPI, too often are overlooked in conversations about diversity, equity, and inclusion. I want to acknowledge and recognize this fact, while letting our AAPI colleagues and youth know that we see them and are committed to supporting their rights and opportunities in an equitable way. April 29, 2021


Asian Heritage Month is an opportunity for us to learn more about the diverse culture and history of Asian communities in Canada, as well as to acknowledge the many achievements and contributions of people of Asian origin who, throughout our history, have done so much to make Canada the country we know and love.

The theme for Asian Heritage Month 2023 is “Stories of Determination”, which represents the strides made and the challenges overcome by Asian communities to thrive in Canada over the last 2 centuries and beyond. It is a history filled with hardship and setbacks, but ultimately, it is a story of triumph over adversity. This month is also a reminder for all of us to come together to combat anti-Asian racism and discrimination in all its forms.


Official declaration of Asian Heritage Month

Diversity represents one of Canada’s greatest strengths, and we strive to ensure that all people in Canada have the opportunity to reach their full potential and participate in Canada’s civic life.

Over the last 2 centuries, immigrants have journeyed to Canada from East Asia, Southern Asia, Western, Central and Southeast Asia, bringing our society a rich cultural heritage representing many languages, ethnicities and religious traditions.

The people of these diverse, vibrant and growing communities have contributed to every aspect of life in Canada — from the arts and science to sport, business and government.

Asian Heritage Month offers everyone in Canada an opportunity to learn more about the history of people of Asian origin in Canada and to celebrate their contributions to the growth and prosperity of our society.

Thereby, we declare May as Asian Heritage Month in Canada.

Significant events in the history of Asian communities in Canada

Since the late-1700s, people of Asian origin have made important contributions to Canada’s history and identity. Each year, as part of its annual Asian Heritage Month campaign, the Government of Canada encourages all people in Canada to learn about how people of Asian origin have and continue to help shape Canada as we know it today. Below are just a few examples of the numerous diverse communities of Asian heritage which trace their ancestry back to more than 40 different countries, each with their own unique history and lived experiences. 


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