Wednesday, July 21, 2021

No Parking Exemption for 90 Duke


                Not-for-profit & Unincorporated    


As promised, DVTA has followed up with BGO (BentallgreenOak) regarding parking exemption for 90 Duke St.  Below is the outcome.

Please be advised that Selina, Leasing and Resident Experience Manager was unable to secure parking exemption for 90 Duke on Wednesday, July 21 from  Hamilton City Hall Parking Enforcement office.

Please do your best to move your vehicle every 3 hours to avoid a parking ticket.  Please avoid the school parking lot as it is considered private property.

Thank you for your kind understanding.  Any questions or concerns need to be directed to the Leasing and Resident Experience Manager because the responsibility lies with BGO for the late notice and lack of action to communicate earlier on with Parking Enforcement.

DVTA President

Monday, July 19, 2021

Parking Ticket Exemption


                Not-for-profit & Unincorporated    


Please be advised that 93 Bold, 75 Bold and 90 Duke received notice this morning Monday, July 19, 2021, that power sweeping & line painting will be talking place tomorrow, Tuesday, July 20, 2021.

Thank you Joe of 93 Bold for suggesting the Parking Enforcement Office be notified and an exemption for Tuesday, July 20, be requested.  Joe, Bruce and I, DVTA President, spoke with the Leasing and Resident Experience Manger (LREM). She was receptive to the suggestion.  However, her work load today was heavy and the office was short of personnel.  

In an effort to continue to maintain a respectful working relationship with property management and keeping the best interest of our residents in our heart, the DVTA President (with the LREM in agreement), the DVTA President contacted Hamilton City Hall Parking Enforcement office, explained the circumstances and secured an exemption for 93 and 75 Bold for Tuesday, July 20.  

As long as all residents are legally parked, there will be no tickets issued tomorrow.

I apologize to the residents of 90 Duke for not being initially included in the exemption request because the DVTA President was not informed that 90 Duke was scheduled for Wednesday and not Tuesday.  The Leasing and Resident Experience Manger (LREM). has agreed to call Hamilton City Hall Parking Enforcement office to request and exemption for 90 Duke on Wednesday, July 21, 2021.

The DVTA President will follow up with LREM tomorrow for regarding the possible exempt status for 90 Duke St.


DVTA President


Sunday, July 18, 2021

Seond-Hand Smoke & Toxic Fumes


                Not-for-profit & Unincorporated    


If you are experiencing second-hand smoke seeping into your apartment or toxic fumes, 

  1. report the offence to ClikFIX
  2. call Hamilton Health Unit and file a report ... 905-546-2489 ext. 5566 choose option 2.  
  3. There is no cost to call and advise the Hamilton Health Unit.  They are receptive and my experience is they appreciate the reports.

DVTA Executive Committee

Wednesday, July 14, 2021

DVTA Advocating for Healthy Durand Village Buildings


                Not-for-profit & Unincorporated    


This notice is to let all residents know that the DVTA has been monitoring air quality at 93 Bold because of complaints of second-hand smoke, lack of air exhaust from kitchens and bathrooms.  Below is an email sent to the Leasing and Resident Experience Manager, Selina Guo.

Your DVTA Executives do much behind the scenes to support your tenant rights, safety and quality of life.  We feel this environmental situation warrants your awareness.



Hello Salena,

Thank you for making the time to meet with DVTA representatives, President Doreen South and Vice President Judi, Yesterday Tuesday, July 13, 2021.

Because of secondhand smoke filtering in to various units, the DVTA has taken air quality readings. The floors that readings were taken on or nine through and including the ground floor. An air quality reading was also taken in your office in the lobby and outside the building.

The readings provide evidence that on this particular day, it appears that the entire building was in a state of poor air quality. Pictures are attached of the readings for the record.

Your statement about not trusting our air quality monitor has been heard and duly noted. The DVTA‘s recommendation is that BGO purchase their own air quality monitor and as a matter of maintenance practice, do regular readings in the hallways of not only 93 Bold but also 75 Bold and 90 Duke Streets. 

Thank you for advising the DVTA executive members that the construction workers have been advised to not smoke in the covered Courtyard area 93 Bold Street.

We also discussed the fact that it appears that the exhaust units on the roof are not functioning because air is not being drawn out of the units causing an accumulation of secondhand smoke as well as cooking fumes and humidity being sustained in bathrooms.

It is the DVTA‘s impression that we have been heard and understood on this particular topic and that BGO will indeed have these rooftop units checked and brought to code.

Warmly,                  Kindly,
DVTA President.   DVTA VP
Doreen South.       Judi Keller



The Right and Safety to Organize



                Not-for-profit & Unincorporated    


Does your building or community have a tenants’ association?  Yes!  

The Durand Village Tenant Association (DVTA)

Did you know that as a tenant, you have the legal right to organize a tenants’ association?  Yes

A tenants’ association can:

  •  empower all tenants, 
  • help build a sense of community and strengthen your rights as tenants. 
You are legally protected by Section 233 of the Residential Tenancies Act (RTA) which states that a landlord cannot interfere with any tenant who is organizing or joining a tenants’ association.
  1. Tenants can come together to demand better living conditions. 
  2. When tenants become part of a tenants’ association, they are stronger and more effective at making their demands heard. 
  3. These demands can include:
    1.  improving maintenance and security, 
    2. fighting demolitions or conversions, 
    3.  disputing unfair rent increases and much more.
 Your DVTA has a Constitution and has been building a professional working relationship with past and current Property Management.
 The DVTA is here for members: 
  • feeling unsuccesful in being heard and understood by Property Management. 
  • requesting maintenance through ClikFIX that has not been completed
  • receiving mentoring on Above Guideline Increases (while available)
  • needing direction to appropriate links for supportive information i.e. Legal Clinic, Landlord Tenant Board Forms, etc.
 The DVTA is here for non-members:
  • on common areas
  • on common issues
Pre-Covid19, the DVTA met quarterly.  Please click on the tab labelled Constitution for more information about the DVTA structure. 

Your are invited to become a member and be a part of the solutions to a better quality of life in Durand Village.
Some information contained herein has been provided by ACTO (Advocacy Centre for Tenants Ontario).