Wednesday, July 14, 2021

The Right and Safety to Organize



                Not-for-profit & Unincorporated    


Does your building or community have a tenants’ association?  Yes!  

The Durand Village Tenant Association (DVTA)

Did you know that as a tenant, you have the legal right to organize a tenants’ association?  Yes

A tenants’ association can:

  •  empower all tenants, 
  • help build a sense of community and strengthen your rights as tenants. 
You are legally protected by Section 233 of the Residential Tenancies Act (RTA) which states that a landlord cannot interfere with any tenant who is organizing or joining a tenants’ association.
  1. Tenants can come together to demand better living conditions. 
  2. When tenants become part of a tenants’ association, they are stronger and more effective at making their demands heard. 
  3. These demands can include:
    1.  improving maintenance and security, 
    2. fighting demolitions or conversions, 
    3.  disputing unfair rent increases and much more.
 Your DVTA has a Constitution and has been building a professional working relationship with past and current Property Management.
 The DVTA is here for members: 
  • feeling unsuccesful in being heard and understood by Property Management. 
  • requesting maintenance through ClikFIX that has not been completed
  • receiving mentoring on Above Guideline Increases (while available)
  • needing direction to appropriate links for supportive information i.e. Legal Clinic, Landlord Tenant Board Forms, etc.
 The DVTA is here for non-members:
  • on common areas
  • on common issues
Pre-Covid19, the DVTA met quarterly.  Please click on the tab labelled Constitution for more information about the DVTA structure. 

Your are invited to become a member and be a part of the solutions to a better quality of life in Durand Village.
Some information contained herein has been provided by ACTO (Advocacy Centre for Tenants Ontario).




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