Monday, July 19, 2021

Parking Ticket Exemption


                Not-for-profit & Unincorporated    


Please be advised that 93 Bold, 75 Bold and 90 Duke received notice this morning Monday, July 19, 2021, that power sweeping & line painting will be talking place tomorrow, Tuesday, July 20, 2021.

Thank you Joe of 93 Bold for suggesting the Parking Enforcement Office be notified and an exemption for Tuesday, July 20, be requested.  Joe, Bruce and I, DVTA President, spoke with the Leasing and Resident Experience Manger (LREM). She was receptive to the suggestion.  However, her work load today was heavy and the office was short of personnel.  

In an effort to continue to maintain a respectful working relationship with property management and keeping the best interest of our residents in our heart, the DVTA President (with the LREM in agreement), the DVTA President contacted Hamilton City Hall Parking Enforcement office, explained the circumstances and secured an exemption for 93 and 75 Bold for Tuesday, July 20.  

As long as all residents are legally parked, there will be no tickets issued tomorrow.

I apologize to the residents of 90 Duke for not being initially included in the exemption request because the DVTA President was not informed that 90 Duke was scheduled for Wednesday and not Tuesday.  The Leasing and Resident Experience Manger (LREM). has agreed to call Hamilton City Hall Parking Enforcement office to request and exemption for 90 Duke on Wednesday, July 21, 2021.

The DVTA President will follow up with LREM tomorrow for regarding the possible exempt status for 90 Duke St.


DVTA President


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