Wednesday, July 14, 2021

DVTA Advocating for Healthy Durand Village Buildings


                Not-for-profit & Unincorporated    


This notice is to let all residents know that the DVTA has been monitoring air quality at 93 Bold because of complaints of second-hand smoke, lack of air exhaust from kitchens and bathrooms.  Below is an email sent to the Leasing and Resident Experience Manager, Selina Guo.

Your DVTA Executives do much behind the scenes to support your tenant rights, safety and quality of life.  We feel this environmental situation warrants your awareness.



Hello Salena,

Thank you for making the time to meet with DVTA representatives, President Doreen South and Vice President Judi, Yesterday Tuesday, July 13, 2021.

Because of secondhand smoke filtering in to various units, the DVTA has taken air quality readings. The floors that readings were taken on or nine through and including the ground floor. An air quality reading was also taken in your office in the lobby and outside the building.

The readings provide evidence that on this particular day, it appears that the entire building was in a state of poor air quality. Pictures are attached of the readings for the record.

Your statement about not trusting our air quality monitor has been heard and duly noted. The DVTA‘s recommendation is that BGO purchase their own air quality monitor and as a matter of maintenance practice, do regular readings in the hallways of not only 93 Bold but also 75 Bold and 90 Duke Streets. 

Thank you for advising the DVTA executive members that the construction workers have been advised to not smoke in the covered Courtyard area 93 Bold Street.

We also discussed the fact that it appears that the exhaust units on the roof are not functioning because air is not being drawn out of the units causing an accumulation of secondhand smoke as well as cooking fumes and humidity being sustained in bathrooms.

It is the DVTA‘s impression that we have been heard and understood on this particular topic and that BGO will indeed have these rooftop units checked and brought to code.

Warmly,                  Kindly,
DVTA President.   DVTA VP
Doreen South.       Judi Keller



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